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Why PIX is the Top Aerospace Storage Solution

Aerospace warehouse

The aerospace industry is constantly on the lookout for storage solutions that are both efficient and effective. With aviation parts storage becoming more complex, the need for a versatile storage system that can adapt to the unique challenges of aerospace manufacturing is clear. Enter PALLITE™ PIX™, a storage solution that promises to redefine how aviation parts are stored, accessed, and managed.

The Innovation Behind PIX: Meeting Aerospace Storage Needs

The inception of PALLITE™ PIX™ arose from a pressing need within the aerospace and aviation sectors: to maximise storage density while ensuring parts storage is secure and ergonomic. This innovative storage system is not just about providing a place to shelve items; it’s about enhancing the workflow and ensuring that inventory is stored efficiently.

Customisable to the Core

PIX™ units are lauded for their versatility, offering a configuration that ranges from four to 400 bins, making it perfect for storing everything from small aviation parts to large tools. This level of customisation allows aerospace companies to maximise floor space and vertical space, turning any workbench into a high-performance workstation.

Feature Benefit for Aerospace
Customisable Bins Optimises storage for various part sizes
Vertical Storage Maximises use of vertical space
Heavy-Duty Options Supports the weight of heavy aviation parts

Strength to Match Demand

The heavy-duty nature of PIX™ units means they can handle the unique storage challenges of aviation maintenance and repair. Whether it’s for durable toolbox storage or as a workbench companion, PIX™ provides a cost-effective and reliable storage solution.

in rack pix units

Maximising Aerospace Floor Space with High-Density PIX Storage

In the aviation service and repair sector, managing storage space efficiently is crucial. The PIX storage solution is engineered to elevate the organisation of aviation parts storage, transforming traditional rack systems into highly efficient high-density industrial storage.

Utilising Vertical Storage to Streamline Workflow

With PALLITE™ PIX™, the aerospace industry can exploit vertical storage options, which traditionally included cumbersome storage cabinets and racks. PIX™ systems offer a high-density option that minimises the floor space used, making it ideal for storing large volumes of aviation parts within a compact workbench area.

Storage Capabilities of PIX:

  • Vertical Space Maximisation: Allows stacking of inventory, harnessing vertical space.
  • Streamlined Retrieval: Enhances storage and retrieval processes, reducing time and effort.
  • Customisable Partitions: Provide safe and secure storage for varied part sizes and shapes.

Ergonomic Design for Aviation Efficiency

The ergonomic design of PIX™ units supports aviation maintenance and repair staff, with easy access to parts, thus minimising physical strain. The system’s lockable doors and secure bays ensure that sensitive components are protected, while the workspace furniture is designed to galvanise productivity.

Ergonomic Features:

  • Lockable Storage: Ensures secure storage and restricted access when necessary.
  • Ergonomically Designed: Reduces the risk of injury, making parts retrieval safer and more efficient.
  • Customizable Workspaces: Units can be tailored to fit existing workspace layouts, enhancing workflow.

PIX: A Cost-Effective Solution for Aerospace Companies

Cost is always a consideration for aerospace companies, and the PIX storage system offers a cost-effective solution without compromising quality. Its durable design withstands the harshest aerospace manufacturing environments, from the assembly line to the repair bay.

Cost-Effectiveness of PIX:

  • Durable Materials: Built to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  • Modular Design: Adapts to changing storage needs, offering a full range of storage options.
  • Minimal Maintenance: The simplicity of the design makes for low maintenance costs over time.

close-up of warehouse storage units

Embracing Sustainability with PALLITE™ PIX™ in Aerospace and Aviation

Sustainable Storage Solutions for the Aerospace Industry

In an era where sustainability is paramount, PALLITE™ PIX™ offers an ideal storage solution for the aerospace and aviation sectors. Its eco-friendly credentials are evident, as it is crafted from materials that are both recyclable and sourced sustainably, aligning with the green policies of modern aviation storage.

Aviation Parts Storage: The PALLITE™ PIX™ Advantage

The heavy duty construction of the PIX™ units does not compromise on environmental responsibility. Each shelf and drawer in the PIX™ system is designed to reduce the carbon footprint, making it a storage solution that caters to the conscientious customers’ needs.

Eco-Friendly Features:

  • Recyclable Materials: Promotes a greener storage for aerospace, being 100% recyclable.
  • Sustainable Engineering: The engineering staff at PALLITE™ has ensured that production processes minimise waste.

Streamlining Aerospace Storage with Technology

PALLITE™ PIX™ incorporates modern technologies like RFID and automated storage systems, which enhance efficiency and customers’ peak efficiency. The use of mobile shelving and upright pallet racking is redefined with PIX™, optimising storage and material handling while ensuring high performance.

Technological Integration:

  • Automated Systems: Facilitates seamless aviation storage and retrieval processes.
  • RFID Compatibility: Offers advanced tracking for aviation parts storage.

Conclusion: PALLITE™ PIX™ as the Forefront of Aerospace Storage Innovation

PALLITE™ PIX™ stands out as a high performance and sustainable storage solution, meeting the unique challenges of aircraft manufacturing. With its heavy duty capability, ideal storage configurations, and commitment to sustainability, PIX™ is setting new standards in aviation parts storage.

Whether for a mezzanine, locker, or within existing racking, PIX™ provides tailored solutions that maximise existing space, ensuring that everything from small parts to large tools are stored efficiently and securely. PALLITE™ PIX™ is more than a storage product; it’s a testament to innovation that propels customers’ peak efficiency and operational excellence in the aerospace sector.

To discuss how we can transform your aerospace storage, get in touch and one of our team will be happy to help.

Written by David Rose

Customer Case Studies


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