The Brief
We were tasked by a company to create a custom shipping crate that had the capability of supporting the placement of up to six different components. The company wanted to have the option of storing up to six components per shipping crate to reduce the orders that it was sending out. Additionally, they wanted to move away from ‘Heat Treated’ timber that they were using and begin using more sustainable options.
Their main objectives were to:
- Create a shipping crate that was fully adjustable allowing the company to send between one and six different components.
- By sending a maximum of six components the company would be able to save space when shipping along with storage space.
- Remove away from the traditional timber shipping crates that need to be ‘heat treated’ before they are sent out for distribution.
- Be adaptable to change the amount that can be shipped in every shipment, whilst ensuring that all products arrive safe and undamaged.
- Use fully sustainable materials that can be 100% recycled upon reaching its end of life.